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The Eye of the Beholder: What Does Beauty Mean To You?

Let's strip away the layers of external influence and delve into the heart of what beauty truly means to each of us. Picture Shutterstock
Let's strip away the layers of external influence and delve into the heart of what beauty truly means to each of us. Picture Shutterstock

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In a world where beauty standards are constantly shifting, it's easy to wonder: what does "beauty" really even mean? It's no secret that we're constantly bombarded with glossy magazine covers and endless social media feeds - the carefully curated, filtered images and ideals that we're faced with alter our perceptions of beauty on a daily basis.

Yet, beneath these superficial portrayals, lies a more profound and personal understanding of what it truly means to be beautiful. As the clichéd (but true) saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, let's strip away the layers of external influence and delve into the heart of what beauty truly means to each of us.

One: Healthy, Radiant Skin

Beauty is often associated with makeup - and for good reason. It's an excellent outlet for creativity and a powerful confidence booster. The world of makeup allows many to express their style, mood, and creativity, and who doesn't love the excitement of trying a new eyeshadow, watching a favourite beauty vlogger's tutorial, or finding the perfect shade of lipstick? But in the midst of our blush and bronzer, we must remember that beauty starts underneath it all: with healthy skin.

Healthy skin is the canvas upon which our creativity and confidence is built. It's the foundation of the beauty we express and feel from the inside out. Prioritising skincare is essential, and it shouldn't be considered a chore, but time spent giving appreciation to the incredible organ that protects and supports us day in and day out.

Whether it's making that appointment for laser skin pigmentation removal, treating yourself to the latest skincare products everyone's raving about, or just establishing a simple, daily skincare regimen, giving our skin a little extra love every day is the key to feeling our most beautiful, from the inside out.

Two: Physical Strength and Vitality

One thing we know to be true? A healthy body is a beautiful body. By "healthy," we don't mean squeezing yourself into someone else's idea of what's "normal." We're talking about what true beauty looks like - the physical strength and vitality that come from movement, whole foods, and restorative sleep - REGARDLESS of your size.

In a world bombarded with images of airbrushed perfection, it's easy to forget that true beauty radiates from within. But the truth is that beauty isn't about fitting into a category of desirability. It's about feeling strong and powerful, having energy, and exuding the confidence that comes with strength.

So, the next time you're planning a workout, heading to the gym, or simply taking a walk in the park, remember you're doing so much more than managing your appearance. You're nurturing your body, cultivating resilience, and honouring the natural radiance of health and vibrancy.

Three: Self Acceptance and Body Positivity

We'll let you in on a little secret: True beauty is about loving ourselves exactly as we are. That includes those annoying chin hairs and all. In a world where beauty standards feel more and more unrealistic by the day thanks to social media, embracing self-acceptance and body positivity is a radical act of self-love.

It's about quieting that critical voice in your head and appreciating our bodies for their natural beauty and resilience. Curves or no curves, scars, stretch marks, or tattoos, it's the embrace of our own totality that truly sets us free - recognising that our value extends beyond the physical and into the character and compassion that truly define us.

But body positivity is more than just "different weights, shapes, and sizes," - it's about embracing the totality of what diversity means in this world. It's about celebrating bodies and identities of differing shapes, sizes, disabilities, and challenging society's antiquated beauty standards. By advocating for inclusivity and representation, the body positivity movement ambitiously aspires to disillusion us from thinking that beauty is one size fits all - and to illustrate that every body is worthy of acknowledgment and respect.

Four: Living Life with Kindness and Empathy

Have you ever been drawn to someone who isn't "conventionally beautiful"? Maybe their laughter was infectious, and their smile warmed your heart. Maybe it was their kindness, or their empathy, that made your soul light up. In a world that prioritises appearances, it's easy to forget that kindness and empathy trumps everything else. When you stumble across someone who embodies kindness and empathy, you realise that true beauty lies in the soul and the spirit.

And by embodying these very traits yourself, you not only enhance your own inner beauty, but you create ripple effects of positivity and warmth in the world around you. By lending a listening ear to a friend in need. By offering a helping hand to a stranger. By standing up for what's right. The ripple effects of kindness and empathy can transform lives and society more than you realise. For in a world where kindness is the currency and empathy is the language, true beauty shines brightest.

Five: Mental and Emotional Resilience

With so much chatter about outer beauty - following the latest fashion trends and orchestrating the newest Instagram aesthetic - it's easy to let the immense importance of our mental and emotional well-being slip through the cracks. Yes, yes, we've said it a million times today, and we'll say it again: true beauty comes from within, and perhaps the most paramount aspect of nurturing our inner glow is cultivating our emotional resilience.

Mental and emotional resilience isn't about simply suffering through the trials and tribulations life sends our way, but rather, thriving despite them and coming out on the other side even more in love with life. In a world where stress and uncertainty are par for the course, fostering resilience is essential to the life force of our inner beauty.

The bottom line? When we make our mental and emotional well-being priority number one, we arm ourselves with the superpower to navigate life's hurdles with resilience and grace. And there's simply nothing more beautiful than that.

Six: The Ability To Find Perfection in Imperfection

The last but perhaps most important is the magic of finding perfection in imperfection. Often, what we view as flaws or imperfections are the very things that make us unique and beautiful to others. In a world where the standard of beauty is at times narrow and near impossible to attain, embracing the imperfect self is essential to self-acceptance and appreciation.

We wholeheartedly believe that our differences are what make us so uniquely spectacular. Whether it's a sprinkle of freckles across the nose, scars that reveal stories of resilience, or quirks that make us who we are, it's the imperfect parts that we possess of our own beauty that create the depth and character of how we are each so beautifully made. So, the next time you find yourself lamenting over your perceived flaws, stop for a moment and remember that these imperfections are what set us apart and make us beautifully human.


In a world where societal standards have us believe that beauty is skin deep, let's not forget that it runs far deeper than physical appearance. It's in a genuine smile that spills into your eyes. It's in a heart full of empathy and kindness. It's in the confidence to be your true, authentic self. After all, beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder - it's in the heart, the soul, and the spirit of every person we meet.